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Keys To Take Care Of The Couples Relationship
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Keys To Take Care Of The Couples Relationship

Time and routine often deteriorate relationships. What can you do to take care of your couples relationship? This time we want to share some keys to having a healthy and lasting relationship.

Love must be cultivated, like a plant. Today, we want to share with you the keys to taking care of the couples relationship.

When we start a relationship, the beginning is usually more intense, but, unfortunately, over time, relationships tend to decline. Some even conclude.

After the family, studies such as the one carried out by researchers from the Universidad Santo Tomás, in Chile, indicate that the couples relationship is one of the most significant and intense in our lives, influencing our well-being.

With all this, we do not need more explanations to make sense of the desire to want to be next to a person. But, how can we take care of our relationship so that it is healthy and does not fall into harmful attachments or deterioration?

According to the University of Chile Fernando Maureira, there are four essential components in a relationship: commitment, romance, love, and intimacy.

Tips to take care of the couples relationship

Loving ourselves

To give love, we first need to love ourselves. Loving ourselves and being willing to grow as human beings are essential.

Many disputes in the couple begin with their deficiencies. When this happens, then one of the members can demand from the other what, in reality, no one else can give him.

We can overturn these limiting ideas, founded on romantic myths, preventing us from truly loving. For example, one of these beliefs is that the other person completes us. This is false. We are complete from the moment we are born.

To have a healthy relationship, we must put aside those limiting romantic thoughts. Before loving another person, we must love ourselves.

Acknowledge our mistakes

This is crucial to improve. If we want a healthy relationship, the proper thing is to recognize our defects and be willing to change.  We all have some aspect of our lives to improve. If we are honest, we may even ask for help if we feel like we can’t.

A psychologist can be of help in this regard. This professional can help you envision the areas you need to work on to become a better person. When you start managing your thoughts and emotions correctly, it will be much easier to have a healthy relationship.

Build spaces for intimacy

This is not just about sexuality. Having a space for intimacy, in addition to getting closer to the couple, allows us to relate our dreams, express our fears, tell our illusions, among others.

Play down small problems

Sometimes we unleash catastrophes where there are only minor problems. The best antidote to dissolving problems is to laugh and focus on the big projects.

It is essential to downplay those little things that cause discomfort in the couple. Discussing and thinking about projects helps to overcome difficulties.

Create common projects

And work for them. This allows the relationship to grow stronger. That is, looking at both in one direction, but without neglecting each other’s dreams. Some of the objectives that can be raised can range from taking a trip, renovating a house, or starting a business.

A getaway

A romance-filled getaway can go a long way toward nurturing your relationship. In these moments, you can escape from the routine and find each other without distracting elements.

Although many couples wait for a special day to do it, it can also be done at any time. That is, it is not necessary to wait for a birthday or anniversary to pack your suitcase and travel together.

Dialogue in the couple relationship

Few couples only communicate when they have serious problems to attend to, but the dialogue is needed at all times. It can be good to spend at least ten minutes each morning talking or reminding each other how much you love each other. A great option can be active listening.

Dialogue and active listening are decisive for having a good coexistence as a couple. It is essential to practice it, even when there are no problems involved.

Never forget the details.

These reinforce the couples relationship every day. Thus, some may be a romantic note, a massage, or a surprise dinner, among others. Details can be unexpected. We all like them!

Respect in the relationship

This is another critical component—both towards you and your partner. When we respect ourselves, it is more feasible to experience well-being because respect is the first step towards happiness.

With these guidelines, you can enjoy a good relationship. It is never too late to start and much less to love. Recognize any mistakes you may be making and try to change the situation as soon as you can. And remember that you can always consult with a couples therapist if your problems are not solved.

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